Monday, August 17, 2009

Decanters and other bites

The above picture answers the second difficult question with decanters, namely, How do you dry a decanter? The solution is to put it upside down on a kitchen roll holder, carefully cushioned with a small piece of the aforementioned kitchen paper.

If you don't have a decanter, buy one or buy a glass jug in Dunnes for a fiver, either way do decant your wine. I have found, with reds anyway, that even a cheap-ass wine tastes better after an hour in a jug. The above decanter was a freebie given to Herself as she walked around Cornelscourt, like I said price doesn't matter.

As you can see from the above shape, washing it is a bitch, which is the first difficult question; How do you wash a decanter, if you can't wash it properly a dirty red film build up inside. I had been recommended Steradent as a way to clean decanters but as I have most of my own teeth I didn't have any to hand. So I tried the next best thing, dishwasher tablets - the answer to the first difficult question with decanters. Simply add a tablet - let it dissolve for a few minutes ands then swirl it round vigourously til the red stuff comes off.

On the review side - we drank the Baturrica Tarragona last night. Meh. Definitely not as good as the last time. Same wine perhaps but I didn't really enjoy it, its OK and perfectly drinkable and at €6-99 it ain't bad value, but it's not for me.

Looks like most of the cheap Lidl wine is a bust. Maybe Superquinn next or M&S.

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