This is a review of the Vino Nobile Di Motepulciano I bought in Lidl yesterday, mistakenly thinking it was a cheap wine at €5-29 when in fact it was a moderate €11-99. It had the DOGC seal at the top which in my limited experience means it shouldn't stink. So while I seem to be unable to read a price correctly, I reckoned yesterday that this would be a decent wine, and so it was.
Year: 2005
Price: €11-99
Notes: Very nice. Initially it tasted like a decent Chianti, with some strong acidity, some fruity undertones and a surprisingly big, smooth, lingering finish. At €5-29 this would have been a absolute steal, at €11-99 it's still decent value and would be lovely with pizza, pasta etc.
Rating: 7/10.